It is the summer heat of 1987, American Supreme Court was in the middle of two-third innings. One class was the priest and other scientific thinker, the difference between the two sides was of a strange nature. Meaning, evolution is correct or created? The priest of the group who was stealing his creativity or "nature science". It was in favor of the fact that "a few thousand years ago God created this earthquake, and it was also life-conscious, even when other groups were scientific thinking and wanted to discuss the evolution, claiming that" The earth was formed in connection with the existence of degenerative degeneration and its lifelong growth evolved in its present form.
Both the classes presented their own positions during the trial of the trial, both sides argued to make their own statements fair and true. After hearing the two laws, the court ruled in favor of the right to evolution with the majority of seven voters in two cases, and also ordered that "the publication of evolutionary science in public schools should be arranged." "In the context of the existence of universe, religion and science were separated separately. The conclusion of the promotion of evolution on this decision was a serious matter. Stephen Gold, a well-known local expert of fossils, said that "Kale is over, the field is now in our hands." Another skepticist said that "Enhancement of supercise is now on the subject of creation with evolution in schools. Do not force the teachers to argue. "
How was this decision on the elimination of schedule? Let's look, his valued lawyers, expressing their views, said, "There is no time yet." He lives and opportunities for his teaching are still radiant, as soon as he said, "The same Hamam said" this is the only judgment of the court. We will gradually bury the court again and it is certain that this time we will get the case with the majority of the majority, because the court prohibits the ban on a constructive theory only for public schools and where we are there where the education of evolution is given, But the publisher has not been able to stop publishing the book about it, but it has not been exhausted for the appointment. This is the only kind of evolution that people were middle. No, neither the poet nor the evolutionist who had the idea of endangerment. "After that decision, the teachers get the opportunity to express their students with the most advanced ideas and academic examples, and thus liberate them. A new field will arise for discussions. "The case goes on at the end of its end, but do not ignore the matter, let's see how it started?
In 1925, the theory of ideology was incorporated into the curriculum of the United States, and from the beginning of this ideological conflation, now come, let's now look at a theory on the theory that it was what it was to say, what was the point of evolution, evolution It means that "she is also known as" evolutionary development, growth or growth "in English. According to the theory, "all the roots and animals present on this planet are present in a long-term state of evolution. Life expectancy is just a simple house. "Such ideas were first offered in a book by a French scientist Lamarck (1825- 1745) named Lamarck" Pholosophia Zoologica. "
The idea of Lamarak was still tremendous and durable. But later on, it is hard to do that, but after the long-term British scientist Charles Darwin (1888 AD, 1809 AD), his extensive observation and great investigation, in 1859, his author was "Regardlessly in the Origin of Species" Given that "everything in the universe evolution is evolved." Darwin first rejected the idea in the words that this world is the result of a specific creation. Or all the things in this universe are the Creataphorical Entity. Darwin said in all sorts of words: "Everything contained in this world, including humans, is a consequence of the long-term evolution process, which is a departure from the life to come into life." He said that "human beings will also carry out these animals by means of evolution. It's almost out of sight. "This theory looks like a scam bombarded by scientists on the camp of the priests. Darwin's discovery was absolutely the beginning of the "The Creation Special Creation" of the Holy Gospel, which gave as much as possible in religious circles. It was a matter of pride in the eyes of human beings. It is obvious that how can this be the greatest reason for such a guest, and Ochhisheh Hasti Shanti?
Sigmond Freide states that "Scientific scientists in history have been cursed for two times, first time at the time when it was discovered that the Earth's center center is not only a Tibet-like but in a universal system, it is a double-guile and bronze. Joe and other times at that time, when Biology had deprived humans from the origin or greatness of his special creation, he started his origin from the animal kingdom. "
Famous scholar of Scandinavian and plant scientist Carl Lennis (Caroline Linnaeus of 1717-1717) included man in his famous research work "Darwinist Darwinism" and gave him the name of Homo sapien, Engels his book (Origin of Family, Private Property and State) states that "man himself has made himself human."
The priests objected to the scientific discovery after Darwin's appearing. The accusations started to be started and always
Wangi also released the fate of disbelief on this new science-making and dignity. War was declared against science! In fact, the belief of the evolutionary death has been defective of this Divine Intelligence, which means that every living person was sent to his special environment. He shouted in a similar and embarrassed sense of personal egoism, wandering blind eyes on his eyes and could not digest the reality of the truth. The problem is to become anxious and arrogant, the game Copper's Nicaragua's scientific discovery, "The Earth is not a center of this universe, but it is a small and auspicious fall of" Sun Model ". In the Roman empire after the destruction of Greece The priest's grip was strong on it. Roma was born on everything. At the same time, under the teachings of Christianity, "the idea of the special creation of life" was given to the world. According to the theory: "God Almighty This universe suffers only in six days, during the same period, all the species of the plants and plants of the animals were created in a single set and seventy days themselves rested. Since now, the universe is going on till now, there has been no radical change in it, nor is it a major development, "that is, in fact, what are some of the changes that come out of its principles. Shaitani fields, from which the priests say, every goddess must pray for refuge and refrain from accepting it. If any person throws out the slogans against the priest's logic, Navaizzi was described as "disbeliever", "atheist", "herri", "sorcerer" and "mischief", what he had done. In particular, in 1859 AD After the Darwin's book "Creating the Breeding of the Baptists", the work of cavalry by the priests was that this book was not compatible with the "special creation theory" of the Holy Gospel. It was possible to fly in Kakar. Christian churches also started to cite against Darwin, with the brotherhood and deplorable things being carried out by Christian churches, singing and extravagance, such as artificial conflicts, press releases, newspapers, magazines, public media etc. Leave Darwinist opposition against Darwinist circles was not a new thing. Actually it was a link to the opposition of the dialectical history. In the period of history, the Rajat-e-Darwish class has come against the ill-fated people, Christian church where the Guru Donoborno could be borne in the gospel and burned in the pavement of the Divine, where forgiveness from the Galilee in the form of "Holy Gospel" The Tohas and the Gifts can be removed, and his scientific knowledge can be deceived by his own false and false misconceptions, if there is Darwin in the cause of the holy Gospel, the unholy and horror says that it should be done for a while. Dr. الهداد In his book "Chemistry", he writes that the history of the unbelievers and the ancients is old and his list is too long, to be found in the evolution of the history. I first of all reject ṭalymy (Ptolemy), and tradition and refused qayn was told by the "star sky creak reason for the termination is not, of prryazy’ are facts. "Charles Darwin refused to accept the earlier all set-up rites about the existence of the person and the promotion of the race, and got the address of" Fateh al-Azam "." Dr. Sahib further writes that " People who were revolutionary and true human beings were not denying the traditions of traditions, therefore no human opinion, any mess of faith and any of the traditions could have been blinded and the disbelievers were called. "Opponents of creation and evolution of perfection have always been stating that in some way evolutionists have to get rid of the obstacles, but Darwin, Alfred Ridge Wells (1913- 1823) and many other evolutionary proofs, successfully put the key to evolution from the masses. The opponents of the world made it a personal ego problem and one of the world's corners gathered together on a platform. In 1935, as part of the name of the "Religion and Science Association", the United States first came together on the grounds. This group was the first "Creative Science Group". Only three years later, another group came to the field called the Creation De Logos Society, although names of these organizations were related to science. However, he used to understand Alham, spirituality and other religious scholars or scholars as well, and other than religion, for instance, science, materialism and seriousness were considered as "chess of devilish powers." An incident of ancient times, with regard to the occasion, reminds us that at some time some religions were giving up on the matter that how many dreams are there in the dunes? Heat started summer. Someone said that somewhere, a teenage young man came out and asked them about the nature of the problem, and suggested that he could not hear the sound of the horse. The problem will be automatically disrupted! "Philosophers who heard that they got to the fire and killed the young man and killed him and said," See the disbeliever that religion has left the religion of Satan. " However, both the above mentioned groups found evidence against their evolution, on their minds that their evolution could prove evolution incorrect. In the American Supreme Court, the claim that "the evolution of evolution given in public schools is wrong." It is illegal and against the religion. "Court adjudged both the arguments and said,
After the evolution of the evidence presented by them, the decision of evolution, the evolutionists of the evolution opponents were non-realistic, unrealistic, non-scientific and unusual, and their first round attack was lost. The decision was made to make decisions Too big deal in mind. Now these words started using "science" more and more, not just so much, but gave meaning to science as its meaning and meaning. They tried to prove every religious thing scientific and every scientific fact broke the religion of religion. They took advantage of this rough. Inclusion of ideas should be included in scientific education, religious ideology, evolution, etc. etc., and etc., and other suburbs that they said, that all the breeds presented in the evolutionary tradition are not completely incomplete, but also those tricks And on the basis of scientific basis, complete the "reason", despite the fame of evolution, and today, in the meantime, in the same time, in the same case, in the same time frozen to destroy the lost lost pieces, and stirred in a panic. How to reach this point of view? In this regard, they have been searching for all the evidence. It is reported that they were found dead, on 30 th July 1995, a newsletters from BBC Television reported that one American university professor claimed that he had a 30 million in nearby villages near South Africa and Johannesburg ( Three million) year old fossil is a human body, which combines the essential body between the human bean and Ape. The professor claimed that now he is able to complete all the breeding of human evolution. Before that, on September 29, 1994, BBC Radio was reported in its Urdu Science program that has grown up to 44 million years old people in Ethiopia. Days in this regard increase our knowledge and new access to us through newsletters, radio and TVs. The UK's evolutionary expert woman, Elen Margan, is a book about the evolution of humanity after the great fraud and investigation. "Desent of Women" is written. His writings, theoretical and theoretical facts are seen in great truth. It has been found in the form of the evolutionary story of lost human beings, scientific research and logical arguments, which is almost complete. Her proposed ideas are closer to the more reasonable, logical and factual and more science-related science. Jean Paul Sartre writes in her book "Being and Nothingness" that "the greatness of man is in secret that he It is incomplete and there is an incomplete consciousness. The same reason he compelled him to create himself in the struggle of his temptation permanently. "The privilege of the creation of a specialist ideology is that the Earth is 7000 to 6000 years old. When the earth was born, it was all kinds of creatures as it was and the same time. Flora, tree, flower, fruit, river, waterfall, sea, mountain, field, human beings, birds and birds, etc. all were in the same condition as they are today. Despite all these evolution is not implemented, all of them, with them all did not have any evidence to prove that they could offer. James Usher of Ireland, announced in 1650 that the universe 4004 BC I'm old "John John, who is also the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, England, has said," on this planet, 4004 years ago, on Ninth Buzz, on the day of the first human being, according to the first human julian calendar. (Iraq) was born. "His insistence on the day of Jamiat was because, according to Christian belief, after seven days after the conquest of the universe, ie, Sabbath rested on Saturday, did not make any creation, because The universe was completely created and human being was the last creation of it. The Archaeological Archeology of Angels (St: Augustine) was in the sixth century The book "God's house" period in the universe's birth five years before Christ was determined. When asked the Universe, if Creation of the universe is only five thousand years old, then God is the One who is always from the universe, who was doing before making the universe. In response, he said, "Time is a universal attribute, so that there was no existence before its creation. God Almighty in this period was making falsehood for hypocrites, those who questioned such kind. "CEM Joseph writes about the creative theory that" today accepting the ideology in its present form It is a matter of fact, the testimony of everlasting existence, in fact, in fact, there has been many instances in the form of a number of sexually evolved creatures from many genes to the extent of their physical form. "Evolution The fossils of the different types of creatures, the variable changing world, the earth, the changing weather, the underground Lee, oil and gas Banks, Other Minerals, Metal etc. All these can not be of just a few thousand years. For them, the billions of years are required. The Bible can never even be science, because science is simply knowledgeable about the true facts and experiences rather than beliefs. It is the root of human wisdom breeding up to the heel and the observations and experiences of cowboys, that is not the result of the anger of a single person but it is tried on the mind of consciousness, consciousness and experience. . If the Bible is acceptable
He will not even be able to solve the problem. Let's get new issues. Science-based research and experiences can not only be rejected based on beliefs. Rather research and interviews have proved to be a false lie to many of the reasons based on beliefs. Hundreds of science does not understand anything as an end, it is still available for editing. On the basis of experiments, science can describe uncertainty of today's uncertainty as a whole and today the truth can be proved even today. Science, expanding knowledge of knowledge, has led to a steady step towards the path of progress with the help of correct observation and experience instead of making any mistake as an ego or by releasing the fonts of disbelief. In addition to new colors and shades of life and shining, human life is also changing. Sometimes, if there were a few real-thing things to do and wanted to reach the point of view at the point of view, that would be such an incredible situation. Not to be born! But they each time they adopted their style and took advantage of the computer. Having continued, "the Bible is just and not all true and can be criticized. Whatever is written in it, the eyes should be full, compassionate. Modern creation is the sacred word of God, and thus exposed to criticism. The priests gave the idea the idea of "new science" and continued futile to the people, "the word to make the word true is true, all the words, titles, and theories should be found on this subject, if any matter or the problem is scientific It is not right to take a look at the point of view, but it is not mentioned in the creation, that it was their motive that "it is right to come into hell." What we have to do with it! "Paulo Frory's book" Knowledge Sciences for the oppressed ", which was written by Majesty I," Every human issue, for every historical and every universal matter, is simply saying that it is the power of power, and the power is self-sufficient. Knowing that it can not be seen as an end to the world, the more fascinating and intriguing, happier and happier, the more vanished, the arrogance and the holocaust thing can not be done for human life .Jehar Lal Nehru explains the matter as follows: "From ancient times to this day, some people have been resorting to the wonderful kind of universe about the universe that the present individual and social social Syln attention from ordinary people is removed and when the universe g̈thy’ resolving such aljhyl be failed. It is frustrated without any practical and relaxation, or taking any analogy option to your satisfaction. Thus, human beliefs and academic thinking take refuge in a bit of ignorance, insignificant, unfair and unfair prejudice. "In his great affair," Disclaimer of India ", Johar Lal Nehru states that" When I do this giant universe I think I often feel the feeling of mysterious secrets and unaware families. Heartlessness seems to be as long as possible, try to understand them and get acquainted with these conversations. At that time, there is only one way to achieve it, and that is, science method. An organization named Creation Research Institute of California has created an Institute for Creation Research, Who is associated with the Christian Heritage College. This institution consists of library, museum, etc. where new and new developments arise and get training. It is a pleasure to organize missionaries (propaganda) programming to remote areas, including Orissa, Mexico, and Korea besides reading, writing, discussing discussions, making new members. The foundations of this organization (I.C.R) and operative Henry Morris and Davis Gosh. Despite being highly educated, the ideology of evolution is very strong. The gospel point is that, "If evolution is really true, then it will definitely be for a while and then just! Even then, if the modernist evolutionists complete the thorns between humans and Ape, with false evidence, if I would not delay the support of evolution. "When the evidence was sought for evolution, he tried to tackle the matter, saying" We only explain the statements that they are doing (ie, science-giving) and use these facts. " , Who are helpful in proving evolution to make an impartial matter. "The biggest mistake of Gish and his fellow Maurice is that Captops are victims, and the beliefs have gone far and far more than the mind. Successfulness in the favor of evolution theory, then it becomes intelligent and constructive, even if it is currently misguided, but there is still a small scale of science that can be seen by new illuminati The ideas can be improved, edited, and altered as they come closer to the wisdom! The Charity Order of the Charity Order has been published. He has got a doctoral certificate from the tournament. The arrival of the ICR stand with its arrival has come to mind why not start "authentic" on the events mentioned in the Bible? Kerald Ordera is looking forward to handling Adam and Bibi Eve to the martyrdom of the incident to throw down from the sky. He says that "It is possible that Adam and Eve were thrown out of heaven that they should not be thrown down!" It may be that most of them have already been deported to the earth! "He relates to human evolution that" we have been able to make a long-lasting global heritage for human existence.
Killing a sister, gave birth to a fish and then the fish itself was born to a human being! ICR founder is stuck to discover the sculptures of Noah's death, the son of Maurice of Heavenly Morse. He settled in Texas and Arrarte mountains in different parts of the world and discovered the signs of Noah's ship. He found the signs of a ancient leg, which he claims that this sign would prove that in a place human and augmented animal who dare to fear, were at the same time on the other earth! In addition to Morris, other antioxidants have cited Noah's storm and the ship. Some people re-discover the corners of the Earth in the field of "Edenburgh" and some ideas have been conceptualized. The matter took place someday more, however, in 1987, the verdict of its long ideological battle has decided in favor of the American Supreme Court evolution! The cowboys do not believe this world with heart and still stand on their beliefs. The biggest reason for their defeat in the court was that they were convinced more than the beliefs. Instead of compelling solid and comprehensive facts and cities about their ideas, all of their energy wasted on proving evolution to be unprofessional. Contrary to this, defense of the principle of evolution was based on strong facts of defense. His proposed cities were based on the basis of science and science and science. Even now, the creators of the present, encourage their present child to think about the truth, and they will soon get the fact that the "evolution process is continuous and subordinate, by material law." Let us see and take a closer look at what the success of the evolutionist theory was: Darwin did not set his ideology on the foundation of an archaeological book nor had he supported the invocations of any ungodly force, but he In both cases, the existence of both denied the existence. He touched the traditional and legendary ideas, set his thinking under the principles of science. He included personal observations and experiences in his theory of creation (30) years. He visited various countries of different countries of the world. Jung and mountains were predecessors. The sea was leaked. The plains of the plains, beans and desertians were shattered. Believers, trees, trees, humans, animals etc. came to their observation and study. He read books of biology, knowledge, animals, arts, anatomy, physiology, atmospheric, penalalithic and human knowledge, ie Eritrea Palaji. He had the best handwriting on them, and on the basis of the same signals he studied in his study and observation of Comparative Studies, and made the basis of his theory similar to the differences between the creatures and examining the differences. , Examined their various biological actions and relieved all the results obtained from them as an ideology as expressing to the world, which we all know as "evolution". Darwin all the martyrs, observations and information collected Carefully arranged with deliberately and sincerely and made them well. Five years of continuous, day and nights of five years of his teenage teenager fall into a joke, he spent a naval ship called "Beagle" on the throne as a "spiritual expert". During this long-lived period, he collected whatever little biological significance and signs he received, observing his own eyes, organized a journal, and found the resulting results raised, reviewed their different criterion. The idea of Darwinism was in the scientific environment. His father was a trusted doctor. Her grandmother, Armas Darwin, wrote a paper in the evolution of evolution, which had an effective effect on her. So evolution was not a new thing for him, though he was supposed to have access to the tomb, and he was also familiar with religious thinking about universe and his life. In the beginning of this life the views and ideas of such ancestors were the axes of their evolution. He was Socrates (Socrates, 469-339 Bc), Anaximander, Aristotle (384-270 BC) from Phytha Goras (Lucretus, 95- 51 BC) to William Harvey, 1578. -1657), Adward Tyson (Cladius Galen 130- 200 Bc), N. Hart Soecker, Andreas Vesalius, 1514-1564, and Warm Flasherers from Lamarck, Scientists and scientists had a great awareness about the ideas, ideas, observations, and experiences. The thoughts of the universe and the existence of life on it, that the human consciousness of the consciousness is being presented to the world only. Thousands of ladies have been shown on the evolution of their dreams, but Darwin took all the way. Everything was presented on the basis of material, experience and observation. He provoked the most valuable and valuable material of observations, experiences and evidence to prove evolution, out of which his / her subsequent results were more logical and scientific.
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