Hoochi Munich: The light that flows
"We will sacrifice everything instead of losing our country and becoming slaves. Above all the work of workers, women, theologians and the belief of religion, belief, political party or nationality, all vitamins should be raised to fight against the French separatists to protect their homeland. Those who have guns, use their guns, with swords, they use swords. Those who do not have swords, they should be made, fats, bulls, paws or lambs, bamboo. "
Above this great man, Hichi Munich, who appealed to the Vietnamese people to fight for the freedom of Vatamam, was a French, and witnessed that Vitaminum acted on one of his beloved leaders.
Vietnamese is a brave nation, who took its independence, blood stream. He first fought with France, then with Japan, then with France again and then with the US. A small Vietnamese villain stir up the imperialist forces over half the century. In which their millions of people were killed. Millions were wounded. Thirty-three times a bar was discovered on the Vthamam Earth. A large portion of the Vatican soil was covered with Baravier tunnels. The imperialist villages of villages, the population of populations have been changed from page to time. Wander off
On the other hand, the Vatican masses will not be able to get rid of their freedom despite killing the lecturers and to get rid of them, so many fingers of tissues can be tested. The war of vitamin Freedom was not a common war. The war in America withdrew into the war, leaving the vitamins worse and worse.
"The Americans' Return of Vitamins was Destroyed. His trained and well-equipped Lisa-five army can not stand before the immediate intentions of the Virtual Patriotic. The imperialist masters embarrassed the garbage at their entrance. Some of the hordes of helicopters, America lost their 500,000 genres. The wounds that were never at all. On April 30, 1975, the last American soldier will depart from Vietnam, and the last representative of the world's most wretched empire had to flee through the Helicopter to the roof of his embassy. "
United States's Food North America and South Vitamam unite.
When the war was going on with the United States, Hangui declared the message of his people in July 1966, "There is nothing more than freedom in the hearts of vitamins." And to correct those words of the United States Shastastha Hhaichi Muni, and "Vatamam The war was the only war in which the United States was defeated. "
Vitamam was freed only when he had a strong working party, which led by Comrade Hoochi in hand. The name of Hoochi Munich, which is named as "uncle".
"Hichi Munich guided two revolutions in his country, the public's democratic revolution and the socialist revolution. He led three long wars against foreign aggressors. Against the first French imperialists, then against Japanese fascists against and then American imperialism. He established socialism in northwestern and showed the path to the world of people the path of peace, national independence, democracy and the struggle of socialism.
Huchi Man conquered his struggle towards one of the two parts of the country after the victory in North Vietnam.
In his mind he expressed his statement:
The purpose of our party is good and civil
Unity and freedom,
Peace and goodness!
"Hoochi Man Guori also issued an order to ban strictly of morality. Specifically, it took care that when the NLL (National Front for Liberation of Cythony Vantam) occupied a village that was strictly working on the principles laid down. The major principles of these ethics were as follows:
1. Do not do any such thing, which will help the masses, property, property and goods to be lost or their lands and crops will be destroyed.
2. There is no such purchasing thing that people do not have to sell.
3. Never break the promise.
4. No matter whether or not the public believes that we are reducing them.
5. To help people in the work of everyday life, crop harvesting, wooden wooling, water-keeping, salui etc.
Hoochi was as if he was led by leading the war of freedom of Ghulam Vatam, giving them freedom from slavery to slavery. From the age of fifty years, the Democrats who fought against this French bourgeoisie began to convey message to patriots. Then he decided to travel abroad outside the country to find the way to liberate the slaves of their homeland. He went to France and then wherever he worked everywhere to liberate Vitamins and saw how much trouble and difficulties in his campaign.
"Let's go in many ways for my life. Booklet Articles, Rolls Suckmill, Hotel Burgery, Bourgeois Bess. Work from the road to snow, and work hard to engage in rail engines. Photographic scheme. In such a way, I have seen face-to-face, eyesight in my eyes. I searched for the truth, village villagers under the feet of the villagers of the country. I walked in search of truth and eternal facts with two hands in a clean, clean heart. "
In that roll, Hichi Man Jail took place.
In August 1942 he ceased to China to get support of Cheng Mai Shiik against Japan and establish a connection with the Chinese Communist Party. But he was arrested on the border and was jailed. After some time news of his death came. Those who prove to be weak. Hichi Munmantung's civil warriors lasted two years in the booths and stayed in the Tahar-khelin. The Hichi Man's written "Jail" living in the Continental Jail"Very popular." Hichi was already the poet and in his written poem, his poem and poets think that he can influence his heart: Lion is not in my habit. Here in jail, other than that I Will you do it? But in the day of slavery, I will put this poem in front of you. I will close my day closer. * The other booge gets the door of the wall. If the air comes in a fresh air, the prisoner does not give up the sky on its head. The freelance-free spirit! You know that your companions are locked up in a maze. * The length of the sun is red, the red color is changed, the night ends. The heat is rising in the universe. The poem inside Kosher has been decorated. * There are many degrees of death from slavery. Being a prisoner at this time is unfortunate, I'll be free, I can work myself in the war of war. * In the world, humans can be proud of themselves, more than their freedom, there is nothing wrong, human being does not have the right to It is possible that a language can be heard from languages such as horses and animals. It is a part of the funeral of Jill Divine, which is a part of the great world of literature, which was surged in prison. From this word the word derived from the word and freedom of independence. The heart says that one of the words of the whole song left on board. In 1943 he received independence from him. * Before the defeat of Japan in the second war, the war of revolutionary army entered "Hanoi" on 19 August 1945. And the Viet Kong Guerrillas occupied North Utility with a large blow. The Easter Revolution became successful, the dominance of the fascinating French fiction of France was eradicated and the public republic of Vietnam was founded and on 22th August, 1945, Hichi Manh Northern Vietnam took shape. . Maintaining the presidency, this noble man said in his address, "I have been made by the President that I have no house, no wife, neither child nor no property. My wealth is Kot and Pajamon, Juki is dead. There is no other Kot besides me, no pajamon. It is such a surprise that in the love of the country, he has left everything in the fight of his independence. Kungi is a girl, ninety-nine newborns came to the place in the place where she became the top of the tanks. Historical announcements, which was announced as the 'Democratic Republic of Vietnam'. Interestingly, "Vietnam's announcement of freedom" includes parts of the American declaration of freedom ... all humans are created equal. Creator has not given them the right to face, including life, freedom and happiness. All people on this planet's side are equal to time to buy. All human rights have the right to live, be happy and free to live, "he said. It was completely eliminated from the impartiality and the federal administration. President Hochi announced the announcement, "This is the great victory of the people of Vitamins, in the dark country, there is also a victory over Marxism-Leninism. Vitamam is the right to be independent and independent country. All Viet Namas are able to mobilize all their physical and mental powers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives, property and property so that they can safeguard their independence. He was the original name of "Ho Chi Minh", which was born on May 19, 1890, and left on September 3, 1969. Hughi Manh was the last name of his many epic names, which he concluded in the struggle for independence of Vietnam, Huangi Muni, which means "which creates light". He adopted it in 1942. Now, he is known as the world as the name of it. We will be able to get rid of our people, climbing gambling newborns in the dust, the people of the world. In the construction of the Battle of Yazidi and the socialism, the companions of Hichi Man were his brave and sincere souls. They had a 'Le Dayan', who took the leadership of the party and northwestern after his reign and after five years after 'death of Chachi Yes', when the "chapters" conquered, the whole Vatamam became the leader of the country till July 10, 1986. I was living. I was the second General General Gap of the smallest. Which left the silver of France in the Battle of 'Don Ben Fo' and made the French eleven thousand soldiers in war and hit the seven thousand soldiers and 'Dunin Bang' became the cemetery of France. When the French army was in the Guap of the Guan war in the Dawn War, the Vice President Nixon wrote in his memorandum that he suggested that the three Atomic bomb was fired into France. But they were immediately assessed, in that case they would have their French companions. * * "At this time, the Communist Party of Vitaly is on the Vthamum, and the country is on the path of national development and socialism. . The Vietnamese nation has decided that there is a continuous increase in the ability to guide, the ability and leadership of the party. By using science and technology, increasing the strength of the whole nation, and providing VATAMs to the basis of creating a commercially owned country by 2020. The country has been set to be a modern, prosperous, strong, democratic, equitable, equitable, and to take it to socialism. "Remembering the struggle and sacrifices of Vitamin I, my local poet friend, Muhammad Muhammad Khan" Marwar Sindhi " This poem is missing. Azzadi does not have any prizes. The message of the old man is a lot of music, but no later than he has played after the game of the later bloody blood. This short text of the selection and articles of the publication was first published in 1973 as the "Hichi Man's Writings". After that, in the Isaac decadeThe second book of the book was published, but is not written on it. The translator of this book is "Munir Ahmed", which is known as "Fuk" in the literary world. The Fine Girl's novel is in "Saha Mind", "Leading Breed" and its stories are important in Sindhi literature. I have corrected some translation language in this book, as it is easy to understand Sattin as a reader. The new name of this book, "Revolution, Independence and Socialism", laid the foundation
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