Sunday, July 16, 2017

Present .......................................... Honorable readers, (especially for example, the Poor Poor

Present ..........................................
Honorable readers, (especially for example, the Poor Poor)
"The Government of Mehdi Shah Jihani" will surely have spiritual comfort and humility with the study and hearing of the Sufi and Sufi word (and indeed) the "Faqi Soha" whose "love is", the sense of contempt and contempt, will be felt. And the soul will get relief and servers, because their native language is justified! The secrets of the secrets, the truth and the guidance, the love and the love, the divinity and the knowledge of the Gospel and the unseen are heard. Short, but notably comprehensible and easy-to-understand words, along with great guidance and guidance are also hidden in it. Those who read or listen to their words will feel sea-catched in Kosovo, but to become deserving and to overcome it, their ancestors are taught to readers (or listeners), especially in particular. Which depends on the subjects.
To make the work more convenient and easy, "Poor"
The "tangible word" of the Sufi genres
"Risalali", Beware: "The word" Mahdi Signs "literally means some difficult words, words, Ahadiism and some few Qur'anic verses, except their short" life-life "as well as the shortcode of their verses ( Or interpretation and understanding) has also been tried (recently), especially where it is understood as necessary, it is justified!
In fact, with regard to the subject and meaning, to describe their mystical word or on the life of the owners, they talked about this nakedness (Rekim), or their an institution, the heart / student's strength and academic and intellectual boutiques. ; For which it stays unintentionally, calls hands, humility and explicitness to its "mastermind", saying:
"Or Hadi! O Mula! "You" can only give such kindness and guidance, heart-shining and strength, and provide resources that can arrange them on their highest, eternity and spiritual subjects .... .... and this can be published! All you have to do is the owner .... !!
It is such a bright star, and brilliant Darwish of "Jihadi Sadat" (Bhavya) as a very prestigious leader of Sindh Earth, Baakkara and Kamal Sufi Faqir, Habibar Hussein and Baikal Sufi Poet Hazrat Makhdoom Syed Ghulam Mehdi Shah Jihani. The "Twin One"), which can further enhance, describe, express and convey the awareness about Babrakat and their original word! In particular, the victim's victim, student's weaknesses, and other generations can also get some feuds and guidance from religious leaders or respected men and women!
Then only read that, then prostrate and understand !!
But it is an acknowledged fact that, unless one does not fully understand, it will not be easy to enjoy, enjoy and enjoy! Similarly, how long will the interest of Darwinism and Sufi Focus be considered interesting and the color of "Sufism" is not understood? How can I get a free server and enjoy it?
Under this sense and purpose, the "Poqha Hadi Mehdi Mir", in the correct view of the correct view of "Poor Sukhna", which makes it difficult to express words and verses in the Sufi word, along with the word al-Qur'aan, and some also on the authentic meaning of Sufi terms and beliefs. Lighting Fixture is designed!
"Mahdi" is like a man, no one will come,
Such a Sufi server will not come!
(Noor Ali "Mazhar" Faqir)
Shall Lord Almighty, As we all the priests, Government of Mahdi-Jihani, Ashok Allah, Arif and Kamil Wali understand the secrets of God's places and the secrets and secrets of their mystical words, to follow and follow and follow their guided way. Giving Mercy and Leisure Steps! (آمين ثم آمين يا رب العالمين)
The shawl's inspiration and this gave me! (Amin)
In fact, the Sufi Poor's or equivalent of a Sufi word, literally, the Koran is holy and other heavenly / spiritual books, but is interpreted as interpretation.
You are the ones who believe,
Oh my love, cross my piano!
(شاهه سائين)
So, by studying the Sufi poetry, virtues and their afflictions of Sufi Darwin, we get the leadership of "Right Right", which includes "Instructional Ledni" and "Sufism"
Process of Depth.
For absolute investments for "Spirituality" and "Wonthood"
For "Taliban Poor") it is important that he is independent of the chronicles of different religious and social beliefs, broadmindedly studying them and considering them as guidance, spiritual affairs And you can get the benefit of the inner; Nevertheless, the higher and the most enjoyable life will be life and enjoyment! Especially in the summer!
Poor Mehdi Mahdi A Pioneer of Holy Jihad and the brave student of Noor Ali Lloom, a famous poet of Mazhar-e-Faqir, is the following phrase and the following: I have a fascinating word:
Guides and Leaders, Watchers On!
Wisdom of trustworthy you on-line!
(Noor Ali "Mazhar" Faqir)
He will be given an explicit request on the end of the "Proposition", with the grace and thanks of this unintentional bond, (ie, Raqam), Faqi Sadiq "Hadi Mehdi Mir complete", and with a limited view of his limited mental and knowledge Exercise, hard work and effort, with this present designation, the following: "Hadi Mehdi Mir" has been designed to close the pen, even if unnecessary or unnecessarily some defects or mistakes are done, The author is seeking forgiveness from the readers, readers and sincerity intention. Reasonable and accurate Guides also will be pleased with the heart. (QB!), In reference to the requirements of the subject and meaning, it must be said that this explanation should be considered to be an beginning or beginning and short description (or criterion) of presented Sufi words should not be finalized and fully understood. Because there is still more thought over it and still has more writing. It is possible to imagine many readers in my life! It is as real, as much as the news! This fascinating world is the country of "Lamaan" and "Ludhiana" and my, Murder Kamal, " Fateh Mehdi claims to be fully convinced of the 'Mahdi language' of Mehdi Shah Jehani! Why can this man be unusual and faultless, as a "impossible" and "intelligent" person to fully understand the meaning of "full-mindedness" and "wisdom"? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Hello! Skyscrapers are missing, no reading is read! "(Understand) -------- Knowledge does not make love, John Jan will not get upset, Do not let's go! There are only four skinny people who are going to die. There is no need to get rid of it. (Poor couple) "Hadi Mehdi Mir Complete" Whomever he helped with Nachuchs, to be a bookmark, specialist, Mr. Mushtaq "Masurur" Mancho, Rafique Kulchi (Professor), Professor Munir Ahmed Kokhar Sahib, Sir Syed Mukhtar Hussain Shah Sahib, (Shah's machine loan ) And Mr. Ali Nawaz Ghanyar, the "light" publisher, I am grateful and pleased with the heart. I am proud of the point of view that the people of the world are inclined to describe and interpret the concept as incomplete and short Always keep in mind the Masukin, the Righteous and the Nakhis, in your claim. The Lord Qurbanias: Talib Mehdi, Saif Ali-Raan

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