More than two words
The book in your hand is translated into 256 languages of the world. The popularity of the book can be gauged that according to a survey conducted by the famous "Lumond" in France, the book has got the fourth highest number of popular and influential books published in the French language in the 19th Century. Top Numbers Famous French writers, Albert Temo, met the great intellectual books of Marcelo Pro. Another survey in which the list of the best pinned books produced in the French language was published, in that list the book found sixth number, wherein Waltaire-like مفڪر's book "congress" was found in the list. Yes.
One reason for the solemn popularity of this book is that the world has been seen in a child's view, in the same context, the children were not instructed by the children in any way, untouchable, moral, and moral teachings. Khalil Gabran said that we are truthful to teach children (older) as well. May we be able to learn from children. Children have come from us, whether or not we have arrived, children are the future of the future, the future children.
One thing I realized is that we have a big childhood in society. Everything is just because he is a big one, so he feels self-sufficient to think about his children. We are ready to prepare for this long work. To break the tradition of antonol and explain the basic and most important point of view of a sketch, it is important to drink, love in numbers and signs are not the signs of getting older, they may be signs of man's shortage. As a result of intimation, it may be noted that at the very beginning, the smallest, but the earliest is known. This book reminds us of the fact that we were younger at the beginning, we were asking "babies", now we do great things, but say that all the questions about philosophy and science are "babies" questions. As such, why are Pin Sava? Why is water potatoes? Where does the air come? How does rain make sense Think of how many questions from these "childish questions" come to us? The righteous society of the world will not endeavor to eliminate children's questions, but they try to answer questions. The British has recently published a book titled "The simple answer given by the skinny questions of the skinny questions and the great ones". The book has been compiled with the answers given by child questions and popular scientists and other experts of the world.
The biggest loss in the large extent is that we stop blocking the basic question. I remember that the skinny Santa told a great deal, "We all have made God." Santa quoted this as a "child" question, "Why do not we make our toys?" The question can either be a child or a saint. Because we make a choice of extravagance, long-term life, and we are happy to say that we have adopted our own way of life after achieving a great experience of life, such as unfair behavior. It's our "great" in the behavior of this behavior, it is not possible to get more experience about life. Then we try to do children as ourselves. We want our children to be our puppets, Sibbi Michele! We can not forget the enemies, but we lose our friends very quickly. Patricia Chauzzi, that's a big problem to forget a friend. The kids have a reminder, we are not the big ones! It is noted that a few years ago, Patrick Wiggs had given a skull to a skull, which was stolen. When he asked Vangas, his flock was shifted to me that he said: 'It went to her mother, was the mother's mother.' Even after the year, Putin Wiggs looks at a pistachiot and says, 'Baba! Yes see my flute! '
This book is a book of friendship, nature, memory. We do not read the book that we may be able to find our lost stars in heaven, otherwise we are able to hear the stars of the stars and for a while, can come from our "great".
Ananta died in 1890 and died in a plane accident in 1944. His other books are "Wonders, Stars, Stars", "Nightfight", "Wizard of Sand", and his "Let's Have Your Mum: The Letter to Mother" are also popular with Protein's "Patrick's Prince". . The tones that were covered in the book were also accompanied by ants. The books and ideas of the book are the essential components of this book.
This first book translated from the French language gives me a pleasure in serving you that a book from the world's literature language (French) has become a part of our prey. Every reader is required to serve his maternal tongue. We all have to play our role in it.
How much I have accomplished in my love for this, you can do it.
Shafqat Qadri
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