Child ProtCtion in For MAtioSheet
Child marriage is a violation of
human rights whether it happens to a girl or a boy, but it represents
perhaps the most prevalent form of
sexual abuse
and exploitation of girls.
the harmful consequences
include separation from family and
friends, lack of
freedom to interact with peers and
participate in
community activities, and decreased
opportunities for education. Child marriage can also result
in bonded labour or enslavement,
sexual exploitation and violence
against the victims.
Because they cannot abstain from sex
or insist on
condom use, child brides are often
exposed to such
serious health risks as premature
pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and, increasingly,
Parents may consent to child
marriages out of
economic necessity. Marriage may be
seen as a way
to provide male guardianship for
their daughters,
protect them from sexual assault,
avoid pregnancy
outside marriage, extend their
childbearing years or
ensure obedience to the husband’s
Facts and
Globally, 36 per cent of women aged
20–24 were
married or in union before they
reached 18 years
of age.
An estimated 14 million adolescents
between 15
and 19 give birth each year. Girls
in this age group
are twice as likely to die during
pregnancy or
childbirth as women in their
Marriage of young girls is most
common in sub-
Saharan Africa and South Asia. in
niger, 77 per cent of 20- to 24-year-old women were married
before the age of 18.
in Bangladesh, this rate was 65 per
cent. BuiLding a PrOtect iV en VirOnMent FOr children government commitmentand capacity the role of government
and civil-society institutions is to develop and implement systems to prevent
or discourage this practice. Government action is required to review customary
and civil law. Because
child marriage is closely associated
with poverty, government commitment to poverty reduction is likely to lead to a
decrease in child marriages. Legislation and enforcementGovernments need to
establish 18 as the legal age of marriage for girls, as well as boys, and
ensure its implementation. Promoting birth and marriage registration will help
enforce these laws.
attitudes, customs and practicesending
child marriage is challenging because even parents who understand its negative
impact may find it hard to resist economic and societal pressures and
traditions. Addressing attitudes and customs that promote or condone the
practice is vital to changing the acceptable age for marriage. Open discussionMarriage
is regardedas a private subject in many cultures. Communication campaigns can
help create circumstances in which it can be discussed and traditional beliefs
about marriage can be examined. to foster behavioural change from within
communities, human rights should be
child Marriage
human rights the right to free and
full consent to a marriage is recognized in the
universal declaration of human
rights(1948) with the recognition that consent cannot be ‘free and full’ when
one of
the parties involved is not
sufficiently mature to make an informed decision about a life partner.
the convention on the elimination of
all Forms of discrimination against Women(1979) states that the betrothal and
marriage of a child shall
have no legal effect and all
necessary action, including legislation, shall be taken to specify a minimum
age of marriage. the Committee on the elimination of discrimination against
Women recommends this age to be 18.particularly
those of women – including equality,
access to education and freedom from
exploitation and discrimination.children’s life skills, knowledge and
expanding children’s knowledge and
empowerment is crucial, particularly for girls. educated girls are less likely
to agree to marry at a young age. Attempts to close gender gaps in education
can include the establishment of child-friendly schools, cash incentives for
parents and the expansion of non-formal education.capacity of families and
communitiesCommunity-level women’s organizations need support to act as
effective advocates and educators. human rights-based development and education
programmes can create dynamics leading to a change in customs,hierarchies and
prejudices linked to the tradition of child marriage.essential services,
including prevention, recovery and reintegrationCounselling services on abuse,
reproductive health and protection from hiV infection are imperative
for young girls. Girls who run away
from marria-ges need emergency support, as do those running away from parents
forcing them into an unwanted marriage. Monitoring, reporting and oversight demographic
health Surveys and Multiple indicator Cluster Surveys collect valuable data on
prevalence and reasons for child marriage. Community-level monitoring systems
can also help record frequency of child marriage. Marriage registration should
be promoted.exaMPLes OFuniceF in action globally one way UniCeF is addressing the issue of child
marriage is through the promotion of girls’ education.
research has shown that higher
levels of education for girls prevent child marriage
UniCeF is the lead agency for the
United nations Girls’
education initiative, which works to
ensure that by 2015, all children everywhere will be able to complete primary
in Bangladesh UniCeF has been
supporting Kishori Abhijan, a project promoting the rights of adolescent girls
and combating rights violations such as child marriage and dowry. the project
provides education, training and links to economic activities for networks of
adolescent girls to help them gain livelihood skil
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