Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Before completing this application form, please check that you are eligible by answering the following questions. If the answer to any of these questions is ‘No’, we are sorry but you are not eligible to apply at this time.
1.Will the project be implementedin an AmplifyChange eligible country?You may find the list of eligible countries by clicking on the following link: https://amplifychange.org/grant-model/opportunity/#who-should-apply

2. Are you applying on behalf of an organisation or group? Please note we don't not accept applications from individuals.

3. Is your project budget EUR 10,000 or lower?


4. Does your project respond to one or more of the AmplifyChange thematic areas? The thematic areas are: Gender Based Violence; Access to comprehensive reproductive health services; Addressing the causes of unsafe abortion; Sexual health of young people and girls; Challenging stigma, discrimination, attitudes and laws.


If you have answered ‘Yes’ to all of the questions above you are eligible to apply for an OpportunityGrant. Please complete the application form below and Annex 1 Opportunity Budget.  Please refer to the Opportunity Grant Guidelines for information on Opportunity Grants.


-          We recommend that you read the application form thoroughly before starting to fill the form in.
-          For each question in the application form there is a response box where you should type your response.
-          Some questions require a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response, some questions require you to mark an ‘X’ against the relevant response.  The question will make it clear which type of response is needed.
-          For questions which require you to type a longer response please provide your answers within the space provided, and keep to the character limit. 
-          The character limit is based on using a size 11 Calibri font, we request that you use this font.  If your answer exceeds the space provided your text will be lost therefore please keep within the limits.

Submission: Applications should be submitted to amplifychange@manniondaniels.com.  The Opportunity Application Form should be accompanied by Annex 1OpportunityBudget and any additional annexes if you are providing photos or video as part of your submission.

Section 1: Applicant Information
Tell us about who you are. 
1.1 What is the title of your project?(max character limit 150)
Gender-based violence    

1.2  What is the full name of the applicant organisation?
Health Education Awareness Reforms Society

1.3 What type of applicant are you? Please place an ‘X’ next to the most relevant option from the list below.  You can select more than one option.

Please place an ‘X’ next to the applicant type that applies to you

Other (please define)

1.4Is your organisation registered?

1.4.1 If yes please tell us your registration details below:

Country of registration:
Registration number:
7944 in Socites
Registered address:
(max character limit 160)
HEARS Head office Meghwar Muhlla Near  By Pass Road  Mithi  District Tharparkar Sindh Pakistan
Year of registration:

1.5 Please, provide your postal address(if different from registered address)
(max character limit 160)

HEARS Head office Meghwar Muhlla Near  By Pass Road  Mithi  District Tharparkar Sindh Pakistan

1.6If your organisation is not registered, then in which year was it started?


1.7 How would you describe your organisation?  Please place an ‘X’ next to the most relevant option from the list below.  You can select more than one option.

Organisation Type
Please place an ‘X’ next to the applicant type that applies to you
Civil Society

Private Sector

Academic organisation/institution

Faith Based

Women led

Youth led

Community Based


Other (please define)
[please define here]

1.8What are the core aims of your organisation?

HEARS is non profit organization which is striving for health, education reforms, religious minorities and gender equality. Our organization's aim is to advocacy and lobbying about the policy change and awareness. HEARS is working in very backward area of Sindh province where women are living in a very miserable condition. Our core objective is to advocacy about maternity and primary health facilities for women of Tharparkar.

1.9Please explain the different levels and structures of decision-making in your organisation, and who is inlved.So, for example, how are decisions made to with managing staff, applying for funding, releasing budgets?   

1.10We might want to contact someone to act as a referee for your organisation. Could you please provide us with a contact.We might contact this person to tell us more about your organisation.

First Name
Second Name
Phone number
Skype ID (if available)

Section 2:Contact Information
We will need some additional information from your organisation to review your application. Please complete all of the sections below
2.1 Who is the contact person for this application?
First Name
Ashok Kumar
Second Name
Projectl Manager
Phone number
Skype ID (if available)

2.2 Please tell us the name of your Chief Executive Officer or equivalent:
Imtiaz Dharani

2.3 Please provide the names of 2 other staff who will be involved in this project. Please also provide a summary paragraph (3 lines) for each explaining what they do in the organisation.

      Mr.  Ashok Kumar  :  Project Manager
    Ashok Kumar  is      well qualified  & experiment Staff Member  Which is working With HEARS Since Last   3 years , in his Project  All The Administration Evolution & monitoring  System Will be Monitor  By  Project Manager

1-      Mr. Jhaman Missrani  : Project Officer
Jhaman misrani is very motivational staff member Which is serving voluntarily with HEARS since last three years. In proposed Project Mr. Jhaman Missrani Will Serve As Project officer.

2.4 Does your organisation have a website? If so please provide the website address below.


2.5Do you wish to remain anonymous for safety or security reasons?

2.5.1 If yes please let us know why.We aim to amplify the voices of our grantees, but if you don't want to share your organisations' name or project details anywhere on our website or social media, we understand that too.  Please let us know here that you want to remain anonymous, and why.

2.6 Is your project urgent?

2.6.1 If your project isurgent please tell us why.Please place an ‘X’ next to the most relevant option from the list below. 

Because the timing is right politically
Because the funding our organisation isreceiving is about to end

Because of another urgentreason (please explain)

Section 3: Project Overview
Tell us the basic details about your project – please respond to all of the questions below.
3.1 How would you like to tell us about your project?You can submit a video to AmplifyChange as your submission - instead of this section.  Otherwise, you are welcome to complete section 3 and also submit a video. Please place an ‘X’ next to the option you choose.

I would like tocomplete section 3
I would like to submit a video only

3.2 Why is your project needed? Please give us the background to the current situation you are working in, and tell us what change you want to see through this project.

Gender equality has three aspects: equal opportunities, equal treatment and equal entitlements for both, men and women. It is directly linked with human development.  Patriarchy thrives on control of women’s sexuality, fertility and labour for male hegemony over economic resources. Economic institutions and policy can exacerbate existing gender inequalities instead of mitigating them. Laws and policies to play a significant role in determining the extent of gender inequality that exists in a society. They can serve to protect women’s rights or to reduce them. For example, in many countries, women still lack the legal right to inherit or own property and, in many others, violence against women is not considered a criminal offense. The paper argues that without transformations in economic relations or the implementation and enforcement of legal rights and protection, gender equality and the empowerment of women can remain an elusive goal. Women’s Studies have challenged the conventional indicators of development that focus on urbanization, higher education, mobility of labour, technological development, modernization, infra-structural development, industrialization etc.Through the lens of Gender Economics, the author contextualizes day to day survival struggles of women in the family, in the households, in the community and in the micro and macro economy with the perspective of power relations which control women and girl children's sexuality, fertility and labour.  

3.3 What change is your project trying to bring about?Please remember, it is not large projects we are looking to fund under Opportunity grants. Please be realistic in what you can achieve during the time-period and budget you will specify below.

Examining broad social norms and individual behaviors and beliefs that impact achievement of gender equality is an important focus of C-Change. An understanding of how gender and social norms undermine gender equality and negatively affect health outcomes and the wellbeing of both males and females is incorporated into C-Change implementation and capacity strengthening activities in social and behavior change communication (SBCC). 
Project will also investigates social and gender norms, which will be defined as the social expectations about how men and women should behave. Through  this project,  implementing activities that confront gender inequality—for example, how it affects women's ability to protect themselves from HIV or their access to modern family planning. C-Change designs communication approaches to address inequalities that negatively affect health outcomes and wellbeing.

3.4Please briefly describe the activities that you will be working on during this project. From our experience, we think the maximum number of activities an opportunity grant can do is 3 to achieve the change you described above - and you can have only 1 activity as well!  It might be useful for you to see our User Guide on 'How Should I Plan my Activities' (https://amplifychange.org/tools-guides/user-guides/#-4-how-should-i-plan-my-activities). Some examples of activities are:  meeting local policymakers,  writing newspaper articles on the issue, providing information to key populations through community meetings, encouraging activism in key groups, bringing girls together in a joint and empowering activity like sports, producing documentaries about the situation, producing a radio programme about the situation, connecting girls through social media.

Following activities will be conducted f or the achievement of targeted objectives.
·         To form cluster organization at Village level through out District.
·         To ensure maximum participation of women and youth.
·         Trainee workshop on gender for women and youth
·         Seminars on women rights
·         Advocacy campaign about women involvement in social sphere
·          Media campaigning against gender based violation  

3.5 What is the start date of your project?
January 2016

3.5.1 What is the end date of your project?
31 December 2016

3.6Please tell us which AmplifyChange thematic area your project will mainly contribute to. AmplifyChange works on gender-based violence, youth, preventing unsafe abortion, decreasing stigma and discrimination, and increasing access to comprehensive reproductive health services. We think most projects will not be able to address more than 2 or 3 thematic areas, so please select these carefully. Of-course, we are happy if you only want to focus on one of our thematic areas.

Thematic Area
Please place an ‘X’ next to the theme that applies to your project, you can select more than one theme
Gender-based violence
Access to comprehensive reproductive health services

Addressing the causes of unsafe abortion

Sexual health of young people and girls

Challenging stigma, discrimination, attitudes and laws

3.7Where will your project be? Please list the country, the sub-national / district level, villages if relevant.(max character limit 500)

District Tharparkar is very unfortunate area of Sindh province, where infant child are dying due to malnutrition. Since last 4 years due to climate change drought has badly affected the masses and livestock. HEARS is going to implement project in Tharparkar which is very backward area of Pakistan. Organization aims to create awareness for the marginalized group of society.

3.8 How will your project work on gender equality?Equal rights and opportunity for all genders are central to AmplifyChange's aim, so we would like to know how you will be working on this issue as part of your proposed project activities.

We will have a team of qualified and experienced staff who will serve for the achievement of targeted objectives. In proposed project equal employment opportunity would be given to male and female staff.

3.9 What are the risks associated with your project?
Every project has risks, so please tell us what you think are the most likely risks (indicate up to 3 risks).

Due to lack of education  and awareness it would be difficult to mobilize the women at level. Women Participation in all activities will be great challenge.   

3.10 How will you deal with the risks you have identified? Do you have any strategies in place already to deal with the risk, or what will you do to manage these risks.

For the mobilization of women different strategies will be adopted. Maximum participation of women would be assured throughout project activities.

3.11 Do you want to include a request for technical assistance as part of this application? Please say what for.AmplifyChange is happy to provide funding, within the budget limit of 10,000 Euros for this proposed project, and this could include funding for technical assistance.  For example, this could include consultancy support to help you monitor the project, to help you manage finances, or to support the development of communication material.


3.14Please give us 2 recent examples where your organisation has implemented a similar project in the past 3 years.We are looking for examples that show your capacity to undertake the type of project activities you are applying for.  This could include examples where you have achieved similar project goals, worked in the same geographical areas and/or with the same proposed target populations.

We had not implement any project yet but we are working Voluntarily since last 3 years.

3.15Who are the influential people you want to work with in this project?We mean people who can help bring about the change your project is addressing, not necessarily people who will benefit from that change.  So influential people (sometimes called key stakeholders) could be policy-leaders at local level, religious leaders, traditional leaders, schoolteachers, police, parents etc.(max character limit 1000)

Mama Vishan Thari (Edhi of Thar and Symbol of Harmony in Thar) "Humanity is my religion thus I slighter amended my name as “Mama”'. Mama Vishan Thari S/o Hansrajmal entitled as ‘Edhi of Thar” was born on 27th August 1966, the youngest one in the family and having Master Degree, works in Government Degree College. He recalls as when he was in forth standard, father used to be at bed, he used to serve what he could. He grins and said, "I had mate named Razzaque S/o Rawal; we both kept fasting in Ramzan. Razzaque didn't have books, so I went to my teacher Sir Mohan Lal Acharya to ask for seven rupees. I neither told my task nor he asked about; I felt as my father was serious so he thought I asked for his medicine. Then I along with some friends purchased books, stationary and sold it in school from where we earned and donated books to him as well as gave money back to the person. "Trust is the key relation”. Mama said, "Since my childhood, I loved to toil for societal causes. In fifth class I participated in organizing an eye camp. We used to go to each home to collect whatever they gave and then used to give that money to people who were in dire need in drought times. Goth Sudhar Sangat (literally village improvement friend circle) was established when I was in metric. Me along with Sain Parshotam Waswani, Sain Haji Muhammad Dal, Late Rahim Ali Hajam, Sain Sahib Dino, used to collect money from shops and supported needy people. Once while reading a book I got to know that blood after time becomes useless so it must be used and donated. When I was 18 years old, I donated blood for the first time. Relief and mental pleasure I got after that was out of this world. Matchless! That feel became an inspiration for me to start a campaign of providing blood to the needy. By now, I'm happy that I have supported thousands of cases. I almost remember every person’s blood group I have interacted with. I never ask caste, creed, color or religion but just what can I do for you? Let it be blood, ration or even cash, I'm always ready and happy to help. Once someone asked that he would not get blood of Hindu so I recited Surrah and said I am Muslim by now. Because for me, helping him was most important thing to do. Religion is just a way to preach God. It is everyone's personal choice how he does. Humanity is always superior to all other religions. I was part of 'Janaza Nimaz' of my beloved Sadiq Faqir. " Talking about his organization he said, "TSO ( Tharparkar Social organization) was established few years back in 1997. Dileep Kothari proposed this idea and we all friends sat together and worked for it. Abdul Sattar Edhi is my ideal. People paid uncountable response and love, I wish all people group should be finalized through NADRA and it should be worked at village level. " When is asked him about what he gets after doing this, he replied, “LOVE is the ever greatest award which I have received unlimited." Indeed it was pleasure for Humans Of Tharparkar to share his profile with you people. Very proud of him and wish him a very good luck for his TSO.

3.16Please demonstrate how you already have links to these influential people.For example, do you already have relationships with them through working with them before?  If not, how do you plan to be trusted by them and influence them during this project?
Mama Wishan Thari is a very influential person and he has showed their interest in working with us. We have a trust on them because Mama Wishan Thari is always remain involved with us in all activities. We planned that in our proposed project Mama Wishan Thari expertise will be used because he has a capabilities of mobilization and coordination among communities.

3.17How will you know you have been successful?Please can you give us some examples of how you will measure the change your project will achieve.  It would be useful for you to refer to the AmplifyChange User Guides on 'Demystifying Monitoring' and 'Indicators'.

3.18 It is really helpful for us to see your organisation more in action. We strongly encourage you to WRITE MORE, TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH, or MAKE A VIDEO - and send them to us to see!

·         Please note there is a maximum limit of 7 photographs. Please attach your photos as an annex to this application.  The annex should be a Word document with each photo pasted onto a page in Word.  Each photo should be accompanied by a short caption. Please call your annex ‘Annex 2 Opportunity Photographs [Name of applicant]’.

·         Please note that your video should be 5 minutes or less.Please attach your video as an annex to this application.Please label the video: Annex 3 Opportunity Video application [Name of applicant] – if you want to use a file sharing website such as Dropbox, please include a link to the webpage.

Section 4: Finance

4.1Have you received, or are you currently receiving, funding from any of the following sources?

Funding source
Please place an ‘X’ next to the applicant type that applies to you
African Women’s Development Fund

Global Fund for Women


Other international donor

4.2 Do you have a bank account? If you don't have a bank account, it doesn't mean Amplify Change cannot support you, but we would need a sponsoring organisation that would be able to hold funds on your behalf. Please note that if your application is approved, we will then be conducting due diligenceon both your organisation and the sponsoring organisation.Please place an ‘X’ next to the theme that applies to your project, you can select more than one theme

Yeswe have a bank account
No we do not have a bank account

We have a sponsor whohas a bank account

4.2.1 If you have answered ‘Yes’ to question 4.2 because you do have a bank account please provide the details in the table below:

Bank Name
JS Bank Limited
Bank Address(max character limit 160)
JS Bank  Mithi  Dist Tharparkar Sindh Pakistan
Account Name

Account Number
Sort/Branch Code
Pkr Pakistani Rupees

4.3 Does your bank account accept EUR?

4.4 If you answered ‘no’to question 4.2 because you do not have a bank account please indicate your preferred method for money transfer: (max character limit 350)

4.5Please describe the financial management procedures and controls that you have in place for procurement and payment authorisation.For example, tell us what you do when you want to buygoods and services, how do you select suppliers you work with, etc? (max character limit 500)

Finance manager whole Control Financial Management

4.6 How much money are you applying for?Remember that Opportunity grants can only be up to 10,000Euros total, and the budget should always correspond to the scope of work and activities you are proposing.

4.7 Project budget (enclosed)

-          Please complete the Amplify Change Opportunity Budget.
-          If you require more assistance to complete the budget please refer to Tab 1 of the Opportunity Budget for more details.
-          On submission the budget document should be labelled: Annex 1 Opportunity Budget [name of applicant]
-           The budget should be submitted, along with the application form and accompanying annexes, to amplifychange@manniondaniels.com

Section 5Completion check-list
Prior to submission please ensure that you are submitting all of the required information by placing an ‘X’ next to each item.  All submission should be send to xxx@amplifychange.
Completed Opportunity Application Form: the document should be labelled ‘OpportunityApplication Form [name of applicant]
Completed Opportunity Budget: the document should be labelled ‘Annex 1 Opportunity Budget [name of applicant]
If you are submitting photographs attach these as a word document labelled ‘Annex 2 Opportunity Photographs [Name of applicant]’

If you are submitting a video send this to AmplifyChange at amplifychange@manniondaniels.com and call the video ‘Annex 3 Opportunity Video application [Name of applicant]’ – if you want to use a file sharing website such as Dropbox, please include a link to the webpage.

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